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Salmon and Soba Noodle creation


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My first real cooked meal in the new apartment. I am trying to work down the massive pantry and this is what I came up with.

I sautéd half an onion and added 3 dried chile de arbo peppers crushed (incl. seeds). Meanwhile I cooked 2 oz of buckwheat soba noodles. I added a packet of "canned" salmon to the onions and peppers along with a minced garlic clove. I then added the pasta with a bit of the water and topped it with some salt and pepper.

Overall, it was pretty good. Nothing amazing but it was a well-balanced meal with some kick. Could have used some grated parm cheese and maybe more seasonings to boost the flavor.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7796, 2014-05-08_125945